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Thursday, May 18, 2017

Lotion Bars

I'm about to go in for a 6 month follow up with my oncologist.  I've been thinking about one of the most uncomfortable things about chemo and radiation therapy.  Dry, itchy skin.  I also wanted to do something nice for the folks currently dealing with cancer.  I decided lotion would be a good thing.  But then the hard part about store bought lotion is the alcohol content that can dry your skin further.  My radiologist had told me calendula oil is really good for scar tissue and dry skin.  The problem is it's pretty difficult to find good calendula lotion that isn't super spendy or laced with that pesky alcohol.  I recently went in search of something that would be better than store bought.  I landed on a super easy, three ingredient lotion bar.

I made these with a friend I haven't seen for a while.  We had a great time chatting and catching up as we worked making these fabulous lotion bars.

You'll need a good kitchen scale for this recipe because you need 2 oz by weight of each of these:

Calendula oil (Jojoba oil is nice too)  (found here)
Shea or cocoa Butter (found here and here)
Bees Wax pellets found here

You will also need a pan, a rubber spatula and silicone soap molds.

Put the oil, Shea butter and bees wax pellets in the pan over medium heat.  Heat until the Shea butter and the bees wax are just melted.  Don't let it boil.

Pour into the molds.  One batch filled this particular six hole mold. Allow it to set up.  It took about 30-45 minutes to cool completely and set up.  I learned the hard way not to move the mold until it was completely set up.

Wipe the pan out with a paper towel to make clean up much easier.

Peel the lotion out of the molds.  Ta-da! You have a handy dandy lotion bar that won't dry out your skin.

I put mine into some small plastic party favor bags that I had left over from Miss E's Birthday Party. I'm going to take them with me when I go in for my visit with the oncologist.  I'm hoping some of the patients there will get some good use out of the bars.

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