
Welcome to my Blog! Come on in and make yourself at home. This blog will contain lots and lots of ideas that I encourage you to tweak
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Sunday, April 29, 2012

So I’ve been silent here for a quite a while.  I’ve been working through something that took all my time and attention.  Now I have dropped everything but waiting from my life.  I am now a domestic goddess.  I am no longer working and am now free to do all the fun stuff I want to do, at least until I am finished waiting.  Like a duck on its eggs, I am waiting to be matched with a birthparent, and receive my first child. 

Maybe I should back up and explain.  My dear husband and I discovered a while ago that we would not be able to have our own children.  So we made the decision to adopt.  After a lot of work, and mental energy we have finally made it to the waiting pool.  In the waiting pool, that is literally what we are doing, waiting…waiting…waiting.  We are waiting to be matched with a birthparent.  We are doing a domestic, open adoption, so it isn’t a first come first serve type of thing.  It’s a little like waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Part of our plan all along has been that when we have children I will be a full time mother.  My contract at work expired, and I chose not to renew.  So, now I am doing the housewife thing, with the hope that promotion to mom will come sooner than later.  In the mean time I plan to make the most of my free time…I am planning to post my doings here for other people to enjoy…starting tomorrow J

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